Developments Related to Soil Cultivation and Sowing Machines in the European Market
In Europe, one of the most developed regions of agricultural production, the demand for Soil cultivation and Sowing Machines reaches more serious levels every day. The change in the balance of supply and demand in these areas, where mechanization is first experienced, allows Turkey’s agricultural machine manufacturers to be positively affected.
Starting in 2017, the long-term recession opened the door to a severe positive movement. In 2017, demands for sowing machines, fertilization, and spraying also led to machinery in this area. In Europe, the volume of machine purchases in this area has approached the level of 1.5 billion euros. It is known that that observed similar increases with the developments in soil cultivation equipment in 2017. The volume, which reached 1.84 billion euros, continued in 2018, and growth was about 10%. By 2019, growth continues to increase, but it is known that the COVID-19 pandemic experienced in the last months of 2019 triggered the recession.
COVID-19 Affected the Entire Sector
Although agricultural production was not affected very seriously by the COVID-19, there was a low demand for Soil cultivation and Sowing Machines due to industrial production failures and people postponing new investments. The fact that COVID-19 is a universal epidemic has affected almost every country while significantly reducing machinery investment in agriculture.
By the end of 2020, the volume of investment in agricultural machinery is deficient compared to previous years. Therefore, with the recovery that will occur after the COVID-19 process, there will be a demand burst for the machine.
Post-COVID-19 Scenarios
During the COVID-19 process, in which global markets and production areas were significantly affected, the recession reached important stages. But it can be said that this recession will be compensated for in the post-COVID-19 process and reach unprecedented levels. Manufacturers who are timid about investment will increase demand for both large and small machines with normalization. In this sense, brands must prepare themselves to produce agricultural machinery for the increase in demand. It is expected that the industry will grow in 2021 when production bands run fast.